Digital Transformation Of Education
About DigiTransformEdu
About DigiTransformEdu
The DigiTransformEdu project aims to foster the digital transformation of HE and tertiary VET institutions.
DigiTransformEdu project will target involve Institutional leaders responsible for the digital agenda, Programme managers responsible for the digitalization of pedagogy, Digital educators who belong to A2 and B1 levels of DigCompEdu
In the long run, the project will benefit: the overall quality of education that by becoming more digital will become more relevant and able to better develop students’ capabilities and practical skills, as required in a digital world and the digitalization of educational processes by assisting educators and administrators in the design and assessment of digital education.
DigiTransformEdu Objectives
The DigiTransformEdu project aims to foster the digital transformation of HE (Higher education) and tertiary VET (Vocational education and training) institutions. This objective will be reached through a six-step approach (operational objectives):
Mapping the digital readiness and resilience of educational and training institutions in response to the COVID-19 crisis (project results 1 & 2)
Promoting the development of a digital culture by supporting institutional leadership to pursue digital strategy at institutional level (project result 3)
Encouraging the digitalisation of educational processes and promoting effective digital-age learning by integrating the DigCompOrg framework (project results 3 & 4)
Based on the DigCompEdu framework and the concept for the different roles of educators in an online environment, defining the knowledge and skills needed by the digital educator (project result 5)
Enhancing international networking and cooperation and contributing to the EU Digital Education Action Plan (project result 6 & four multiplier events).
Target groups
DigiTransformEdu Target Groups
DigiTransformEdu project will target involve Institutional leaders responsible for the digital agenda, Programme managers responsible for the digitalisation of pedagogy, Digital educators who belong to A2 and B1 levels of DigCompEdu
The secondary target groups are:
Tertiary VET providers
Associations of educational and training institutions
Businesses and their learning departments
Professional associations Students, participants, and learners in general are the main beneficiary of the project.

Who is implementing DigiTransformEdu
4 Bulgarian institutions
- The National Digital Coalition (DNA)
- A HEI (New Bulgarian University)
- An Excellence Center for ICT industry competitiveness (ESI CEE)
- An Educational Center (ANT)
2 Italian institutions
- An SME specialized in digital learning (Gruppo Pragma)
- An SME specialized in digital learning (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini)
2 HEIs from
- Croatia (Algebra College University)
- Germany (MUAS)
1 Non-government organization
Our Partners

Digital National Alliance

Gruppo Pragma

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini Srl SB

European Software Institute

New Bulgarian University

"Nikola Tesla" Academy

FH Munster University of Applied Sciences

Algebra University College